How NextWaveSTEM connects STEM with SEL

Looking into our education systems, we understand the importance of quality education – not just in the material taught by teachers but also in the social environments in which we position students. Students learn so much more than math equations and history lessons in school. They learn how to interact with people, understand the different kinds of relationships, and how they function in relation to others.

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What To Do With Old Technology, Specifically 3D Printers

What you need is an easy and affordable solution. Consider trying out our solutions - we can provide you with newer models of 3D printers, curriculum for K-12 learners, and training for the teachers who will lead the courses. Or we can even teach it ourselves (our “We Teach” model). Whatever you choose, your school’s 3D printers will no longer be unused, and your students will have another creative output that is providing real-world STEM design, teamwork and critical thinking skills.

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Solutions to Your Biggest Challenges: Innovative Programming for K-12 Education

Attention Administrators: Solutions to Your Biggest Challenges! Teacher Shortage I Learning Loss I Teacher Retention. Schools working with NextWave STEM report: improved student attendance, increased student engagement and interest in STEM, and increased teacher confidence in teaching STEM and emerging technologies.

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Why STEM Education Should Be a Priority

In order to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s careers, we must place a high priority on introducing STEM-focused curriculum earlier into a child’s academic career with hands-on exposure to new technologies that capture the imagination and drive curiosity. If we don’t, we are dangerously close to a metric where we will fail to meet the projected demand for STEM-focused jobs.

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How to Create or Upgrade a Makerspace for K-12

A makerspace is a room/area that contains tools and materials that allow students to gather, create, invent, tinker, explore and discover. A makerspace is where students can design, build and create all sorts of things, using 21st Century Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communications and collaboration. These are key skills for STEM.

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STEM News: NextWave STEM Partners with Palm Springs Unified School District

NextWave STEM Partners with Palm Springs Unified School District Increasing STEM Opportunities: Emerging Technologies 3D Modeling, 3D Printing and Coding Drones to Inspire Further Interest in STEM

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Free Resources for Digital Learning Day-February 25th

NextWave STEM is offering free sample lessons in robotics, 3D modeling, 3D printing, drones, coding, artificial intelligence and other exciting emerging technologies. Find out what it’s like to connect STEM project-based learning with core subjects and real-world scenarios.

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Professional Development for Adaptive Responses During and Following COVID-19 Pandemic Key to Advancing Education

NextWave STEM, an EdTech company providing STEM programming for teachers and students K-12, announced additional free online professional development covering the most relevant topics for today's educational needs, such as teaching remotely, building hybrid learning models, and teaching in a culturally responsive manner.

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Step-by-Step Guide For ESSER Grant Application

CARES Act ESSER Funding aims to help K-12 schools "rethink the way students access education." If you haven't done so already, we highly encourage you to fill out an application to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools, like yours.

This post shares step-by-step instructions on how to apply for these funds and others…

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Grant ResourcesGuest User
Take Action. Have the Conversation.

Racism has a profound impact on the health and well-being of our children, and we want to make sure we give you support in order to do something about it. These could be actions that you take as a school, as a teacher, or forward on to parents. Every action counts. It will take time, education, and continued conversation for all of us to end systemic racism.

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Cultural RelevanceGuest User
Verizon Grant Provides Supplemental Funding to Under-resourced Schools

Since 2012, Verizon has been working to help foster quality STEM education through its Verizon Innovative Learning Program. The program provides next-gen, technology-infused curriculum delivering a new way of learning, as well as free technology and free internet access. Verizon works with partners, like NextWaveSTEM, to build and administer STEM-focused programs that develop the kinds of transformations that change lives.

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Grant ResourcesGuest User