Grades 9-12 | Innovation & Entrepeureurship

Grades 9-12 | Innovation & Entrepeureurship


Overview: Students unlock their creative and entrepreneurial potential by identifying market needs, creating prototypes, and pitching ideas.
Grade Band: 9-12
Lessons: 15
Professional Development: Yes
Software Needed: No
Equipment Required: Yes
Number of Students per Equipment Kit: 24
All Included: Yes

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Product Description:

The "Invention & Entrepreneurship: Creation of Goods and Services" course is designed for learners in grades 9-12 to delve deeply into the world of invention and entrepreneurship. This comprehensive course equips students with the skills and knowledge to identify market needs, create functional prototypes, and pitch their ideas. Through hands-on activities and real-world applications, students will learn about design thinking, prototyping, business planning, and marketing strategies, culminating in a final project where they bring their own idea to market.

Course Features:

  • 15 Lesson Hours: The course includes 15 detailed lessons that cover various aspects of invention and entrepreneurship.

  • Curriculum and Supporting Materials: Comprehensive lesson plans, activity guides, and additional resources to support effective teaching and learning.

  • Ongoing Product and Curriculum Support: Continuous support to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and effective.

  • Professional Development: Training sessions for educators to deliver the course content effectively and facilitate student learning.

  • Facilitation by a Trained STEM Instructor (Optional): Option to have a professional STEM instructor lead the course.

Learning Target Examples:

  1. What is an Invention?: Identify examples and non-examples of inventions.

  2. Reverse Engineering: Take apart an existing product to determine how it actually works.

  3. Prototyping Physical Inventions: Use basic art materials to build a “works like” and “looks like” prototype.

  4. Prototyping Digital Inventions: Create a digital prototype, or “wireframe”, for an existing digital invention.

  5. Manufacturing: Simulate a manufacturing process and identify ways to make it more efficient and sustainable.

  6. What is an Entrepreneur?: Research famous entrepreneurs and describe the mindset and skills it takes to be an entrepreneur.

  7. Problem Identification: Identify problems and brainstorm solutions that will improve the lives of others.

  8. Business Basics: What’s a Business Plan?: Define cost, profit, revenue, and explore the basics behind creating a business plan.

  9. Logo Design: Design a logo to represent a product, business, person, or idea.

  10. Marketing Strategies: Evaluate marketing platforms/products and determine the best option for a certain product/business.

  11. Project Kickoff: Brainstorming and Problem Identification: Brainstorm a list of problems and choose a problem to solve for their project.

  12. Sketching and Prototyping: Create a sketch and prototype of a product that solves the problem statement.

  13. Create your Business Plan: Create a business plan for the invention including a plan for manufacturing; cost, profit, revenue, and a marketing plan.

  14. Design a Logo and Marketing Materials: Design a logo that represents the business/invention.

  15. Pitch Presentation: Create a pitch presentation for the product that identifies the problem, ideas, solution, and business model.

Equipment Included:

  • Classroom Set of Prototyping Materials: Includes basic art materials, digital prototyping tools, and other resources needed for creating physical and digital prototypes.

  • Business Planning Tools: Software and templates for creating business plans, cost analysis, and marketing strategies.

  • Supporting Materials: Various materials required for hands-on activities, including design templates and troubleshooting guides.

Professional Development:

  • Teacher Training: Comprehensive training sessions to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach the course.

  • Ongoing Support: Continuous professional development opportunities and support to ensure successful course delivery.

Additional Information:

  • Designed for Learners in Grades 9-12: The course is tailored to meet the developmental and educational needs of students in this age group.

  • Hands-On Activities: Emphasis on interactive and engaging activities to foster a love for learning and exploration in STEM fields.

  • Real-World Applications: Students will learn about the practical uses of invention and entrepreneurship in various industries and scenarios.

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